October – Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

Adopt a Shelter Dog Month Here are some other whacky holidays for the month of October! 1 World Vegetarian Day 2 Name Your Car Day 3 Techies Day 4 National Golf Day 5 World Teacher’s Day 6 Come and Take it Day 7 World Smile Day 8 American Touch Tag Day 9 Leif...

September – All American Breakfast Month

All American Breakfast Month Here are some other whacky holidays for the month of September! 1 Emma M. Nutt Day 2 VJ Day, WWII 3 Skyscraper Day 4 Newspaper Carrier Day 5 Be Late for Something Day 5 Labor Day 6 Read a Book Day 7 National Salami Day 8 International...

August – Family Fun Month

Family Fun Month Here are some other whacky holidays for the month of August! 1 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day 2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day 3 National Watermelon Day 4 U.S. Coast Guard Day 5 Work Like a Dog Day 6 National Mustard Day 7 Friendship Day 8 Sneak...