National Tie Month
Here are some other whacky holidays for the month of December!
1 World Aids Awareness Day
2 National Fritters Day
3 Roof over Your Head Day
4 Santas’ List Day
5 Bathtub Party Day
6 St. Nicholas Day
7 Pearl Harbor Day
8 National Brownie Day
9 National Pastry Day
10 Human Rights Day
11 Children’s Day
12 Poinsettia Day
13 Violin Day
14 Roast Chestnuts Day
15 Bill of Rights Day
16 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
17 National Maple Syrup Day
18 Bake Cookies Day
19 Oatmeal Muffin Day
20 Go Caroling Day
21 National Flashlight Day
22 Date Nut Bread Day
23 Roots Day
24 Hanukkah
25 Christmas Day
26 Boxing Day
27 Cut Out Snowflakes Day
28 Card Playing Day
29 Pepper Pot Day
30 Bicarbonate of Soda Day
31 New Year’s Eve